Rich Australian Mocker
Rupert's Climate Sceptic Tool

Every day, Andrew Bolt,
Rupert's favourite tool and dolt,
of Telegraph paper's ill repute,
claims the ABC's most biased fault,
is Climate Sceptics are kept mute,
and Scientists predict Climate result.

Andrew Bolt believes in making money.
Neo-liberals find our extinction so funny.
He really loves the rich pick-pocket bosses.
Who laugh at dying heat-scorched masses.
He hopes for his luxury ticket to ride.
Poor Australians to be left behind and fried.

Our marsupials in bush-fires died the worst,
and so many cattle that perished from thirst,
our trees exploding in raging fire,
animal starvation now skeletal and dire,
Trees and suburb gardens will disappear,
water restrictions rise as dam failures near.

Old horsemen of Apocalypse follow climate mockers,
that love lies to perish the poor suckers.
Sceptics are employed by global pick - pockets,
all hoping to buy their tickets to Mars by rockets.

Michael Rynn
Rich Australian Mocker. Andrew Bolt whinges on ABC bias for real scientists. Rupert Murdoch's climate sceptic tool.
Rich Australian Mocker. Andrew Bolt whinges on ABC bias for real scientists. Rupert Murdoch's climate sceptic tool.
Rich Australian Mocker.

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